Dear Colleagues;
I suspect most people on this list will be interested and pleased to hear that the 10th edition of John Fleming's The Law of Torts has now been published. Congratulations to Prue Vines and Carolyn Sappideen for shepherding the massive job to fruition. The new edition has involved a "cast of thousands" in rewriting individual chapters, many of whom are on the ODG - if I try to list them without knowing who is on the list I will leave someone off, so I will just assure everyone that many of the names will be well known. There are also (in line with the aim to represent something of the law across the Commonwealth, not just in Australia) two introductions, one from French CJ of the HCA, and another from Lord Hoffmann, formerly of the Appellate Committee of the HL. Well worth a read! (Disclosure: I am one of the above-mentioned "thousands"- but I would be excited even if I were not!)
Neil Foster,
Acting Head of School & LLB Program Convenor,
Newcastle Law School,
Faculty of Business & Law.
MC158, McMullin Building,
University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931